Yes, the harm of smoking seen in the fact that smoking causes cancer. About 30% of people who died from cancer in the U.S. were smokers. 87% of patients with lung cancer was the cause of the disease is smoking. Also, smoking can cause cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and diaphragm. In addition, according to some, smoking people more likely to develop cancer of the pancreas, cervix, kidney, stomach, and some types of blood cancer. Smoking cigars, pipes, as well as the use of chewing tobacco and snuff also causes the development of cancer. Safest ways tobacco use does not exist!
What harm smoking is easy from cigarette smoke?

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Usually the harm of smoking not have to wait long and smokers are rapidly developing lung health problems. Thus, the level of pulmonary activity in smokers is lower than non-smokers. As soon as the person continues to smoke tobacco regularly, these problems are compounded. Smoking leads to the development of many lung diseases, among which are life-threatening, including lung cancer. Of chronic lung disease suffered by smokers, the most frequent chronic bronchitis and emphysema. These diseases cause difficulty in breathing and oxygen supply to the lungs, which can lead to a serious threat to life, and in some cases even death.

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis - a disease in which the airways produce excessive amounts of human mucus, and the patient has to cough it constantly. The harm of smoking incredibly often manifested in the fact that many smokers suffer from chronic bronchitis. In their lungs accumulates too much mucus, which can not cope with the respiratory tract - they swell, and the cough becomes permanent, and almost no medicines help. Patient airways clogged with mucus and can not function properly, because they are highly inflamed. As a result, the risk of dangerous lung infections.


Smoking is one of the main causes of emphysema - a terrible disease, which resulted in the person gradually loses the ability to breathe. Oxygen enters the blood through the lungs, soaking through their respiratory surface consisting of many small bubbles. Injury manifested smoking that a patient with emphysema walls of these bubbles are destroyed, and thus, bubbles become larger, but their quantity decreases. This reduces the surface area of the respiratory lung and enters the blood minimal amount of oxygen. As the disease progresses, the respiratory surface area becomes so small that the patient may die from suffocation caused by lack of oxygen.

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The earliest signs of emphysema - is shortness of breath, especially in the supine position, a persistent cough, from which drugs do not help (the so-called "smokers cough"), a sense of general fatigue, sometimes weight loss. In addition, the harm of smoking is expressed in the fact that because of the weakness of lung emphysema patients at risk for other serious diseases, such as pneumonia. In the later stages of the disease, patients can breathe normally only through an oxygen tube or mask. Emphysema is incurable, but it can suspend development, especially if the patient quits smoking.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

More than 10 million Americans suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - a medical term that denotes a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In the U.S., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the fourth in the list of diseases, most often leading to death. COPD women more likely to die than men. The main risk factor for COPD - is smoking; more than 75% of people who died from COPD were smokers. In addition to the terrible suffering that patients experience during the development of the disease, especially insidious harm of smoking is manifested in the last stage. The last stage of the disease is extremely painful for patients - they all suffer from lack of air and feel as if drowning and thus can not breathe.

Why smoking people suffer from "smokers cough"?

Cigarette smoke contains a variety of chemicals and harmful particles that irritate the alveoli and lung tissue. When a person inhales smoking these substances in the smoke, the body tries to protect and produces mucus, which then requires going through expectoration. Usually smokers suffering from cough in the morning - there are a few explanations. In the normal functioning of the body cells of the ciliated epithelium that lines the cavity of the lungs (tiny education, similar to the hair) is removed from the lung mucus, phlegm and other substances, but cheap cigarettes online smoke violates this process, so the lungs are harmful substances found in tobacco smoke, and as mucus. While smoking a person sleeps, ciliary epithelium cells recover their function and begin to work again, so when the smoker wakes up, it starts coughing - is the result of attempts to bring the body of all unnecessary light. If a person smokes for a long time, the harm of smoking is so powerful that lung epithelial cells generally do not work, and the lungs are more susceptible to infectious diseases and irritation from tobacco smoke.